vineri, 9 septembrie 2011

diferente culturale

cu o zi inainte sa plece acasa in uk, nr 1 al meu pune pe masa urmatoarea problema:

de ce in anglia parintii lasa copiii sa bea energizante, dar nu le-ar da nici sa guste berea - versus - de ce in romania parintii isi lasa copiii sa bea un ciob de bere, dar nu i-ar lasa sa se atinga de bauturi energizante


unul din raspunsurile pe care i le-am dat a fost ca nu li se da bere in cantitati care sa conteze, ca daca ar conta, in felul asta o sa ne parati la politie ca v-am dat alcool si la masa(s-a luat de mine si m-a parat ca am bagat un pahar de vin alb intr-o musaca);
alta parte a raspunsului a fost ca in bere sunt ingrediente pe care le poti recunoaste si-s naturale(daca te iei dupa legea germana a berii);
in micro canita de vin fiert in care i-am dat sa guste ce beam noi, la fel stiam ce am bagat, cel mai nociv de acolo fiind zaharul;
bauturile energizante contin, pe langa substantele sintetice care imita arome si indulcitori, substante care in cantitati mari pot fi considerate droguri
nu i-am spus, dar nu pot sa uit imaginea unor liceeni care o ardeau sus la negoiu cu redbull cu whisky; pentru ce, nene, energizant? oricum la varsta aia dupa doua whiskyuri o tai la bustu' gol prin zapada. si oricum energizantul respectiv are gust de caugumi stricat
am auzit ca prin cluburi e o adevarata nebunie cu cocktailurile astea pe baza de whisky cu energizante; ultima oara cand aproape am intrat intr-un club a fost in 2006; cand am vazut doar dulapuri in maieuri si fetite de plastic, am avut brusc senzatia ca in curand o sa mi se ceara buletinul si-am plecat urgent
m-am mai gandit dupa aia ca englezii aia stiu ei ce stiu, odata atinsa bautura, gata cu trezia(mi s-a mai spus ca romanii nu stiu sa bea, in comparatie cu englezii)

138 de comentarii:

adela spunea...

Era să fac apoplexie, când socru-meu l-a pus pe fiu-meu de un an și-un pic să bage degetul în țuică și ulterior în gură, așa, ca să vadă și el ce-i acolo. Deci, dacă socru-meu era englez, îi dădea energizant la aceeași vârstă? :D

Cred că problema englezilor e că autoritatea părinților încetează brusc pe la 9-10 ani, prin urmare puștii bagă și de-alea, și de-alea, cu nemiluita.

Problema noastră - a 7452-a - e că luăm alcoolul drept aliment, în sens aproape proverbial.

Miju spunea...

habar n-am ce se intampla daca socru-tau era englez, o sa il intreb pe nr 1; desi jumatate din raspuns il am deja, mi-a zis ca majoritatea colegilor lui nu mai au bunici ...well?!?

nu chiar apoplexie, dar un pic socat tot am ramas cand un prieten de al meu zicea de baiatul lui, care avea pe atunci tot un an si un pic, ca ii place berea, ca se tot intinde sa ia spuma din pahar si crede ca celui mic o sa ii ia fara alcool; tipul era foarte serios

daca e sa ma explic un pic, paharelul ala de bere, de gust, pe care l-am dat copiiilor, e dat la varsta la care deja au intalniri sau fetele ii lauda ca le miroase bine jacheta(intre 10 si 14 ani); cred ca in cazul asta fiecare parinte alege cat de taliban sa fie cu copilul/copiii lui in a le permite sau da una, alta...

jane spunea...

si doar din faptul ca ai pus problema, si doar din grija cu care urmaresti problema ... eu una, ca mama, ti-as da mana libera sa le dai ce crezi tu ca e mai bine (si bauturi, si raspunsuri)

Miju spunea...

da, doar am pus problema, nu e o discutie principiala in felul ca imi e un principiu in viata a da de baut copiilor ;)

Ioana T spunea...

eu zic asa:
- nu alcoolul ca substanta e problema, ci cantitatea si semnificatia atasate. de ex, biserica da impartasanie copiilor de orice virsta.
- energizantele sunt una din multele porcarii moderne.
- englezii si civilizatia aferenta sunt niste morti vii, nedemni de a mai fi luati in (orice fel de) discutie. nasol si trist, dar adevarat.
- bottom line: criza in care ne aflam e cam majora. solutiile sunt cam invididuale. scapa cam cine poate.

fotograf nunta diana spunea...

eu nu cred ca parintii lasa copii sa bea bere si energizante nu...vorbim de parinti normali.

Miju spunea...

nu, nu ziceam ca ii lasa sa bea bere, eu ziceam ca le dau sa bea, dar ma fac mai greu inteles

Masaj erotic Sibiu spunea...

astia sunt parinti?un parinte are grija de copii nu le da bauturi alcoolice sau energizante.

Miju spunea...

ma bucura nespus aceasta interventie, care arata atata grija din partea unui masaj erotic :)

silavaracald spunea...

Că le dăm sau nu noi voie să bea (și una și alta), asta n-o să-i împiedice să le ”guste” împreună cu amicii, așa că mai bine le-am lăsa la liber. Măcar așa n-ar mi funcționa ca un tentant fruct interzis...

Moni Kozi spunea...

Eşti leapşa, Mişu! Pu' linge! Cristina şi je am zis, şi dac-am zis, am zis! Tu prinzi!

melindaramsey358 spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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TruFit Keto + ACV spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

According to Kalteis, "to understand the philosophy of parkour takes quite a while, because you have to get used to it first. While you still have to try to actually do the movements, you will not feel much about the philosophy. But when you're able to move in your own way, then you start to see how parkour changes other things in your life; and you approach problems - for example in your job - differently, because you have been trained to overcome obstacles".

Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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BobieRabo spunea...

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BobieRabo spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

Nutritional fats is a problem due to Genius X the fact it's miles complete of energy that allows you to be transformed into body fat in contrast to energy which might be fed on in meals from other sources. manufacturers have realized that there is a large marketplace for low-fat or maybe fat-free merchandise however the propensity and recognition of these ingredients are not reducing the common weight of the state.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

The question to ask is this: do you really want or need to use chemicals on your skin or have surgery just to reverse the signs of aging?

Anonim spunea...

In excessive cases of the hardship the Nuviante cornea may be deformed. This might be because of consistent hand rubbing of the eyes. This reasons excruciating itchiness in the eyelids.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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HEALTHY SKIN spunea...

Asking her to referee a sport amongst Blackcore Edge Max some pals or naming a music that is being played. this may make her experience as though you're appreciative of her assist, opinion or a want.For more ==== >>>>>>

JohnVermi spunea...

The gadget features together with a Tvolve pulley resistance system together with you lifting your body weight against gravity. it's miles possible to set the gadget to boost 4% of your respective frame weight to a most of 60% at the highest putting. the entire fitness center is suggested via Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, who're every famous fitness and fitness fanatics. For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

You want to be in a nation of muscle Alpha Tren constructing, so comply with these guidelines and you will kick it up a notch.The Daniel Craig exercising is top notch in many approaches. He makes use of primary sporting activities which you do not really need a gym to perform. Plus, his exercise will provide you with an aesthetically captivating body that looks lean and muscular with out being too bulky.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

Then, here's what to do: considering Tvolve your lower back's frame constructing exercise, you may in reality want to take note of proper shape. You do no longer need to "lower back-slide" (pun meant) as you push ahead with a simple returned damage - they take weeks to heal. bear in mind the bent over row, lat pull downs, useless lifting, hyperextensions and shoulder shrugs. For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

Which will advantage muscle no longer Alpha Tren fats, you have to consume a few fatty foods. healthy fats like those determined in nuts, oils, fatty fish, and even a few lean beef are superb to your skin and hormonal functions, and they're a awesome supply of energy, as properly.For more ==== >>>>>>

Circutrine Male Enhancement spunea...

The system of muscle growth and improvement genuinely happens while you relaxation because that is when Alpha Trenyour body upkeep harm muscle groups and rebuilds greater muscle mass.Now which you recognise the simple requirements for muscle building for skinny guys, you must be to your manner to getting the ones ripped muscle groups you have got always wanted to have.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

Although big biceps can make T-90 Xplode you appearance lovable, but having an excellent cadio exercise plan may want to even make you appearance health. Muscle constructing exercises with aerobic sports will make you frame stiffer and also make you appearance less healthy.
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Vigor Fix spunea...

Muscle gaining techniques will result in accumulating a piece extra fat in the frame. if you are looking Xplosive Vital to benefit muscle with out the fats, you will be pleased to know that you can begin an powerful regime that carries the use of muscle constructing dietary supplements for success. the first supplement that you may choose consists of that of "Creatine". that is designed to supplement your exercising regime in this type of manner that it helps to accumulate muscle tissues quickly and efficiently. For more ==== >>>>>>

Floren Styl spunea...

from time to time a man can without Infinite Male Enhancement difficulty have erectile troubles because of the truth that of blended reasons, in which state of affairs, it's miles critical to determine the danger components well for proper treatment. mentioning impotence therapy and the call that right now springs to mind is Viagra. For more ==== >>>>>>

Circutrine Male Enhancement spunea...

Dietary supplements.Glutamine is likewise derived from protein rich products. it is an amino acid that helps enhance the Postdrox immune gadget. when you training session, you have a tendency to be susceptible to illnesses considering your frame will burn out alongside the way. Glutamine allows construct white blood cells which composes your immune device. Glutamine is commonly paired with Creatine for maximum outcomes.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

Testo Vital Interference of age, stress, bodily inaction, Testo Vitalchemotherapy and alcoholic intake, can decline the testosterone degrees. The pharmaceutical styles of this hormone are injections, patches, Testo Vital lotions, gels and oral tablets.someone can have low testosterone for range of reasons which encompass age issue, any infection, renal failure, damage, gene hassle, chemotherapy.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

XCELE BRAIN Cerebellum and stem cells are rarely observed XCELE BRAIN to be stricken by mind metastasis. brain metastasis may be XCELE BRAIN unmarried tumor or a couple of, despite the fact that multiple brain metastasis is not unusual. The signs associated with brain metastasis are edema, seizure and severe headache. therefore the primary line of remedy for mind metastasis is treating the signs.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Floren Styl spunea...

Alpha Tren constructing is not a easy undertaking. Alpha Tren It is very common for people to be very prompted in the first few days of their bodybuilding software. This motivation someday progressively fades away after they realize Alpha Tren that it takes a variety of hard work if you want to acquire their dreams. This takes place to almost all people and it's miles will power and a strong willpower to be triumphant so that it will take you to the end line.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

looking after your skin does now not just Eco Maxx involve slathering creams and lotions all over your skin. It additionally includes way of life conduct. An essential skin care routine which many humans ignore is to avoid smoking. Smoking narrows capillaries and other blood vessels alongside the outermost layer of the pores and skin, which limits the passage of blood float and therefore, oxygen.For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown spunea...

In line with Northwestern national Relaxphin life, "One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the primary stressor in their lives." The national Institute for Occupational protection and health (NIOSH) summarize process pressure as while the necessities of the activity do no longer match the talents, assets or desires of the worker.pressure solutions are numerous, however the NIOSH has been capable of concisely summarize strain associated troubles and their answers. also, stress associated statistics, in addition to the destiny of teleworking to.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

The effect of growing older may be seen even Tengenix in young men. The reproductive organs get stupid and incapable to deliver satisfactory output. The accomplice in marital relationship suffers from dissatisfaction and lack of power. growing older effects can reduce sensitivity of the organs. A weight loss plan wealthy in herb which includes Asparagus Adscendens had the homes to scavenge unfastened radicals, it decreased the effects of oxidative stress and improves common nicely-being by way of selling induction of vitamins inside the frame. For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

You need to be very company together ExoSlim with your selection to losing weight and act choosy to get your select. You have to take up a program that does not disturb your routine, handiest very few modifications ought to be anticipated.have you placed on a touch weight those previous couple of weeks, and you are now seeking out weight loss guidelines that will help you get back for your desired weight? Then continue analyzing our manual which includes.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

There isn't as a count of truth. T Volve nevertheless, you could make up for the breaks which you take sometimes out of your normal paintings outs. when you have no longer hit the fitness center for more than one days or so and yet you would well want to expose up to be the first-rate without problems out there on a annoying occasion then there are special sports that you can comfortably doFor more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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guyjowan spunea...

Cotton underclothes to enhance oxygen Alpha Force Testo deliver to the reproductive organs and enhance its functioning. You need to make sure sound sleep for 7 to 8 hours day by day. you're cautioned to eat meals that enhance testosterone. you're cautioned to encompass chia seeds, asparagus, pineapple, uncooked chocolate, cauliflower, coconut oil, olive oil, celery, pork, citrus end result and blueberries in your every day weight-reduction plan.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonim spunea...

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Unknown spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

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